First post from WordPress on the iPhone

I have had the WordPress app on my iPhone for months and never actually opened it up. I decided that today would actually be a good day to check it out since I am planning on making a post about the new HDR photo feature in iOS 4.1.

I have found the app to be a little sluggish when changing views and saving information. I would rather it show some sort of message instead of just hanging.

Below I am just testing out the ability to and images and such.

First post from WordPress on the iPhone

Permalink url structure updated

After setting up this WordPress blog, I noticed the URLs my posts were given were absolutely terrible.  In no way did they show any valuable information about what the page displayed.  For instance, here is what the URL of my previous post looked like before I updated them “”.  If you saw that as a user you would have no idea what is going to be on that page.

Menu option for Permalinks under Settings

After going through some of the settings in the WordPress administration, I came across the “Permalinks” section.  I have to admit, WordPress makes it really easy to change the structure of your blog URLs.  On the settings page there are 4 structures already setup for you to select from and there is a custom option as well.  The option I opted for was the “Day and Name” option which shows the date and the blog post title in the URL.  Now the URL for the previous post looks like “” which now gives the date the post was published on and the post title.

Default URL structures in the Permalink settings

If you plan on using the custom option you may want to take a look at the WordPress Codex page on using permalink structure.  There are some tags on that page that aren’t used on any of the default options that may help you out.

Permalink url structure updated